Jeni got done with work today and what do you think she wanted to do? Go geocaching, of course! We loved Riverside yesterday so we headed back for more today. Here's me at
Kodi's Cache, a cache dedicated to a pet who has passed away.

Ok, we aren't really experts at this yet. Click on this picture to view it full size and notice our car on the right and the trail heading off to the left. When the arrow was pointing at a 90 degree angle off the road we hopeed out and headed for the cache. If we'd have just driven a little firther and taken a look around, we'd have had a much easier time getting into the cache.

Went on foot to this next one, the
Riverside Forest Fire cache. The cache was hidden under this burned tree.

Jeni and the cat toy we left in the cache. Note the stylish shirt.

Here's a shot across the river form that cache. Notice the burned trees on the other side of the river as well. The fire actually burned so intensely thatit jumped the river.

No luck at the next cache site. The place still looked devastated from the fire, which was in 1994.

This whole plain was burned out. It used to be treed as thickly as the area in the panoramic photo we posted yesterday.

Coordinates pointed us to this ominous looking broken burned tree, but we couldn't find the cache.

The Cachemobile.

The next one was straight up the hill on the right. No luck at this one either.

Well, 2 out of 4 isn't bad, and we got to see this sunset. A few of these pics make awesome desktop images, feel free to take any you want.
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